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O'Dowd Library: Home

You'll find links to all our library resources here.


O'Dowd subscribes to high quality, academic databases for your research needs. Each database requires a password. The passwords are listed right below the database link.


Know Your Rights: Student Resources

Faculty Resources

Library Catalog - Print Books


Other Libraries

Access to Public Libraries

Click any link below to get a library card and free online access to more databases, ebooks, audiobook and streaming services. 

These public libraries provide online materials to anyone

Oakland Public

Anyone can get an Oakland Public Library card. While the library is closed, please complete an online application and email to set up your account.

Check out their online resources here:

Alameda County eCard

With an eCard, you can download free e-books, audiobooks, magazines and music. You have access to a variety of electronic resources including language courses, streaming movies, online tutoring, business information, genealogy databases and more! You may also request books, music and movies for delivery to your local branch library. Visit for more information.

Hayward Public Library

Can I get a library card online?

Yes! You can apply at, and if you include your email address, we'll send you your new card number within 1 business day. As soon as you have that number, you can start using online resources. You can pick up your physical card once the library is open again.

Newspapers & Magazines

Open Web

Google Web Search
Google Scholar Search
Google Book Search

Citation Tools


Bishop O'Dowd Librarian

Profile Photo
Annette Counts
9500 Stearns Avenue
Oakland, CA 94605
510-577-9100 ext 151

Library Information

Welcome to our library resources page. Please email us with any questions or stop by the library for in person help.

Sarah Abreu, Librarian

Annette Counts, Librarian



LibGuides by Subject and Course

LibGuides contain relevant, high quality resources for a particular research project. To locate the LibGuide you need for your assigned research project, scroll by subject and then find your class.




Social Studies

World Languages

Service Learning

Debate Team

NYT 1619 Project