Award winning, leadership skill building, nationwide traveling – that describes the debate program at O’Dowd (Public Forum and Parliamentary). Every student is welcome to learn how to compete in the exciting world of debate. Be part of the team that goes to the top tournaments in the country to compete at the highest levels. O’Dowd Debate is one of the most respected and decorated programs at Bishop O’Dowd High School. The team is home to one of the nation’s best parliamentary debate squads and has won 14 titles including Yale, Stanford, and State.
Today, it is more crucial than ever that American teens develop the skills to speak powerfully and persuasively in front of an audience as well as learn to think critically, explore all sides of an issue, and formulate evidence-based points of view, while appreciating and remaining open to divergent viewpoints.
Beyond the improvements in their academic performance that prepare them to excel in post-secondary venues, speech and debate students change in ways that influence every aspect of their lives. Speech and debate activities (forensics) provides them the social and academic confidence they need to emerge as critical thinking citizens who achieve educational goals, pursue meaningful work, and improve the lives of others – and our world.