1. Genesis 1:26-31 & Gen 2:4-25
2. Song of Songs 1:2-6; 3:1-5; 4:1-11; 6:4-12; 7:2-14; 8:6-7
3. Hosea 1:1-9; 2:4-25; 3:1-5; 11:1-4; 14:2-8
4. Jesus in Mark 10:1-12
5. Jesus in Matthew 19:1-12; Matthew 5:27-32
6. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:1-40; Ephesians 5:21-33
Bible Research Project: Sexuality, Marriage, Love/Romance, Male-Female Relationships
The Hebrew/Christian Scriptures is one source for the Church’s teaching on sexuality, marriage, and family. The goal of this activity is to learn what the Bible actually offers us in terms of the meaning of our sexuality, as well as the gift and blessing of marriage that God initiated.
Project Objective: Groups will be assigned one of the five sets of Scripture passages above as well as articles/commentaries which explains the overall meaning of their passages or otherwise provides insight. Using all of these resources, the group will create a slideshow presentation which must cover all parts of the assigned passages and teach the following:
1. In one or two sentences, concisely summarize what the passage is saying about God, sexuality, love/romance, men and women. This is ultimately the group’s thesis statement. You must also post your entire scripture passage in the slideshow.
2. Name 3 or 4 specific lessons/ideas from your passage in support of your thesis.
3. Cite specific phrases/words that underscore/emphasize the main message or themes (details). This may involve a crucial Hebrew or Greek word.
Groups are advised to:
NOTE: Your group can choose to arrange the material as you want, but you must cover all parts of the assigned bible passages and likewise your thesis must be related to the message in the assigned passage. The specific lessons and keyword/phrase must be one from each individual’s research but can be allocated to teach whatever section the group deems appropriate. For example, one individual’s keyword/phrase can come from one section of the bible passages and that same person’s specific lesson/idea could come from another part. Also, one section might have 2 or 3 specific lessons/ideas or key words/phrases and another less complex or important section might only have one of each.
How should we as a group accomplish this task?: After receiving instructions and passage assignments, each person must research their own commentary or article to achieve the above three items.
Step 1: Read the actual Biblical texts together.
Step 2: Members must take notes on different Bible commentary sources (1 online/BOD database source, 1 Print copy from BOD library, and any different book commentary – not online).
Step 3: Individually each must take notes on the most important aspects of their commentary.
Step 4: As a group, compare notes and decide on the “Project Objective” points above to create a Google slide presentation.
Provide the 3 “worlds” of the text: The world “of” - what? (the plot summary, etc. of the Biblical text); the world “behind” - What it means? (the history of the biblical text, context in which it was written, vocabulary or significant words, the Geography, and the meaning); the world “in front” - what it means to me? (personal application, questions, insights).
Step 5: As a group, design your Google slides being as creative, interesting and engaging as possible using multiple mediums (pictures, color, shape, transitions, sound etc). Include on your slides:
i. The entire scripture assigned to your group which you will project to the class at the beginning of your presentation.
ii. Your Group Thesis and Key Lesson/Ideas and Words/Phrases from each member (see Project Object points 1, 2 and 3 above).
Step 6: Cite your sources and use standard MLA format. You may use a bibliography on one page but each slide with information must have a referencing notation to that bibliography (i.e. author name found on bibliography).
Step 7: Put a “credits” slide at the end of your presentation crediting each member of your group with their contributions on this project. For example, if “Mary” reviewed XYZ Bible commentary and also provided information to contribute to “the world of” or “the world behind”, and also contributed clip art or designs to the slides, then credit her with all of that. You should make sure to obtain contact information for each member of your group so that if they are absent, they can still contribute their part and see and participate in the progress. THE WORK SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED EVENLY AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE GROUP MUST CONTRIBUTE!
Step 8: Post your Google slide presentation on Schoology under the discussion page titled, “Bible Research Project”. Please title your post with the Bible book passage you are researching and each of your members’ names (e.g., “GenesisBobBettyBubbaBula”). MAKE SURE THAT YOU SHARE THE SLIDESHOW WITH ME AND WITH ANYONE WITH THE LINK SO ALL CLASSMATES CAN ACCESS.
Finished product and presentations: Through your slideshow, students should be able to understand the teachings of these passages and come away with lessons learned that apply to modern times. Come prepared to begin class with these
presentations. Your grade will be based on fulfilling all requirements and the presentation. Your presentation must use all your sources and each individual must be able to demonstrate what information from their source was added to the group presentation. I will ask each person during the group presentation what information came from your source.
After the presentation: Each student must go online to each group’s presentation and through the discussion page, make one comment on each presentation (since there are 6 group presentations, each student should post 5 comments, one for each of the other projects). Comments should be at least three sentences referring to facts in the presentation. Thus, more than just “I like it”- tell us what you like, what was interesting or what struck you, and why.