Your task is to create a presentation to teach the class about a specific time period in British Literature. This presentation should include visuals, music, assorted information (food optional) to educate your peers on your time period of British Culture and the British Literature of that age. PLEASE TAKE THE AESTHETIC SENSIBILITIES OF YOUR AGE INTO CONSIDERATION IN YOUR PRESENTATION. YOUR AUDIENCE’S SENSES SHOULD BE ASSAULTED BY A VISCERAL SENSE OF YOUR AGE.
In Class
Due February 18 & 19
Presentation Due Dates
February 11 & 12: Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Era
February 13 &14: Sixteenth Century
[ February 18– March 17 Hamlet]
March 18-19: Seventeenth Century
March 24 & 25: Eighteenth Century
March 31 & April 1: British Romanticism
April 4 & 7: Victorian Era
April 10 & 11: British Modernism