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British Literature: The Victorian Era

Use this guide to find relevant high quality sources for the Historical Context British Literature Project. Reminder you will need at least 5 print sources as well as academic journals and websites sponsored by universities, museums and libraries.

Literature to Cover

  • William Thackery’s Vanity Fair
  • Wilke Collin’s The Woman in White or The Moonstone
  • Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Ubervilles
  • A significant novel by Charles Dickens
  • A significant novel by H.G Wells
  • Poetry of Christina Rossetti, including Goblin Market

Ebook Central

Open Web Sources

Print Materials in the O'Dowd Library

Browse the 820 -829 section of the library to find print books for the Brit Lit Project. You can also click on the "Library Catalog" link below to search the library catalog. Our print collection includes volumes of the Oxford English Literary History series.
