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JRP: Social Justice: Home

This LibGuide contains resources to support the JRP. You'll find links to quality Open Web sources, databases, books (print and electronic) and tips for MLA.



This year, the JRP will bring together two elements or our charism: Social Justice and Academic Excellence. The LibGuide will direct you towards quality sources as you research topics that need your insight and findings. Using quality sources ethically, thinking deeply about the information in the sources and expressing your research in writing are foundational to Academic Excellence.

Source Requirements:

  • Use NoodleTools to keep sources organized, take notes, format MLA citations and format Annotated Bibliography.
  • Must consult at least 8 different sources. You will read and take notes on at least 8 sources.
  • Use 6 of the sources in your paper. In your paper, you will cite at least 6 sources.
  • Use school databases to find reliable sources ( primary, scholarly journals, newspapers, government reports, magazines and more).
  • Carefully evaluate all open web sources. All sources must be reliable and O'Dowd Worthy.
  • No Wikipedia in final your research. Use wikipedia to learn about your topic and to uncover other O'Dowd Worthy sources.



Bishop O'Dowd LIbrarian

Bishop O'Dowd Librarian

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Annette Counts
9500 Stearns Avenue
Oakland, CA 94605
510-577-9100 ext 151