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JRP: Social Justice: Books

This LibGuide contains resources to support the JRP. You'll find links to quality Open Web sources, databases, books (print and electronic) and tips for MLA.




Check out our print and electronic book collections. In the collections, you'll find the following types of books:

  • Reference: contains background information, vocabulary, places, dates, events, people. For example: encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, handbook, guidebook
  • Monograph: provides in-depth study of a topic with a thesis usually written by a single author with chapters to support the book's thesis.
  • Anthology: collects various articles on one subject by different authors. Articles are collected and reviewed by editors who put the articles together in a book called an anthology.

Try all the search terms relevant to your topic to find books available to you for research.

Ebook Central

Here are just a few titles from Ebook Central that may relevant to your JRP. In Ebook Central, you can create a bookshelf of the relevant books you find. Ebook Central also provides MLA citations. Just click quotation mark icon and "cite book."

Gale Ebooks

Reference books provide foundational knowledge for research projects. Here are just a few encyclopedias that may be relevant to your JRP. Gale Ebooks also provide MLA citations for each entry.

Print Books

Some Titles from the O'Dowd Library Shelves

Oxford Reference

Oxford Reference provides important background information for your research project. Here is a small sample of high quality reference books that may be relevant to your JRP. Oxford also provides MLA citations for its sources.

Google Books

Google Book Search

Book Search works just like web search.  When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms, we'll link to it in your search results. If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given us permission, you'll be able to see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text. If it's in the public domain, you're free to download a PDF copy.