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Bishop O’Dowd High School
E3 Modernism
Gabriela Mistral
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E3 Modernism: Gabriela Mistral
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Background Information
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Countee Cullen
Jean Toomer
Claude McKay
E.E. Cummings
William Carlos Williams
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Jose Marti
Arturo Alfonso Schomberg
Yone Noguchi
Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral Bio Dictionary of Hispanic Biography
Gabriela Mistral Brief Biography from the Academy of American Poets
Gabriela Mistral Brief Biography from Poetry Foundation
Gabriela Mistral Brief Bio from Nobel Prize Foundation
Gabriela Mistral "Serene Words" Criticism
Gabriela Mistral "Fear" Criticism
Gabriela Mistral Work Overview
Gabriela Mistral Reads Her Poems
Poet reads her poems in Spanish. Recording from the Library of Congress, Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape
The Gabriela Mistral Foundation
The Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. carries on the legacy of Gabriela Mistral, particularly, her love and care for the children and seniors of her native country, Chile.
Gabriela Mistral Bio-Criticism Gale Contemporary Authors
Gabriela Mistral Bio-Criticism Spanish American Poets
Gabriela Mistral, vector illustration, 2007, Aldo Vega
Teller of Tales
Translated by Ursula LeGuin
Drinking and Slow Rain
These two poems were featured in Poetry: A Magazine in Verse Latin American Issue, 1943.
God Wills It
Featured in Poetry: A Magazine in Verse, 1941
Featured in Poetry: A Magazine in Verse, 1925
Yone Noguchi