Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade has been serving the needs of scholars, genealogists, students, and members of the public interested in the people of the historical slave trade.
Simon Bolivar is often called the George Washington of Venezuela — and of Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador and Peru. Washington threw colonialists out of one country; Bolivar liberated six from Spanish rule.
The Kokamon Gate, also known as the Ryugumon Gate, at the Taiyuin Shrine or Taiyu-in Reibyo, the mausoleum of the shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu. Getty Museum
This belt, woven in the 21th century, shows the execution of Tupac Amaru II, an Andean leader who led a rebellion against the Viceregal government in 1780. The use of textiles to encode events has a long history in the Andes. Brooklyn Museum
The Life of Toussaint L’Ouverture, 1986–97, is a rare series of 15 prints depicting the life of the leader of the Haitian Revolution by Jacob Lawrence. Colby Museum of Art
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