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Spanish Language Poets and Writers: Search Strategies

Quality Sources

Use quality sources, always.

Evaluate your sources using the 5 Ws:

  • WHO (expert)
  • WHAT (content and purpose)
  • WHERE  (source location)
  • WHEN (current information)
  • WHY (relevant to your information need).

Internet Country Codes

Internet Country Codes

Search for poets using the country's internet code and Google Domain limiters. For example

site:mx poeta poetisa 

Will give you websites from Mexico about poets.


The CIA has a list of all Internet Country Codes. Click on the link below to get the list.

Google Domain Limiters

You can focus your results with domain limiters.

  • Search Term site:gov (US government sites)
  • Search Term site:edu (degree granting insitutions)
  • Search Term site: org (non-profit and advocacy groups)

Search Terms

To generate a list of possible subjects, try these searches.


Poet/Writer Country (use the country you are interested in)

Spanish language poets writers

Spanish language poems

Spanish women poets writers

Latina poets writers

Hispanic poets writers

Hispanic women poets

Latin American poems

Latin American poets

Latin American LGBTQ+ poets writers

Spanish LGBTQ+ poets writers